
3 Misconceptions About Insurance and Collision Repair

If you have ever been involved in a collision with your car, you know that dealing with the insurance company is almost as bad as dealing with repairs for your vehicle. After an accident, your insurance company will give you a list of preferred an auto body repair shops, known as direct-repair program (DRP) shops.

It may seem like the easiest choice to just select one on the list, but you should first explore all your options. Certain insurance companies and repair shops have established relationships that may seem like they have your best interests in mind but they actually may not in the end. Unfortunately, this can lead to pre-negotiated rates and repairs that cut corners.

Sometimes you as the customer are steered towards using your insurer’s preferred without even realizing it. You may assume that you don’t have a choice in selecting a shop that’s not on the list, or that the anticipated repairs won’t be covered under warranty if you take your car elsewhere. Maybe you were told that you will get your car back faster if you take it to a DRP shop.

Because getting in an accident is so stressful and overwhelming, you may just work on autopilot and move forward with the most “logical” choice. While these choices aren’t always detrimental to you, there are some misconceptions out there.

1.  Warranty on Replacement Parts

Insurance companies may lead you to believe that they will only cover replacement parts under warranty if you go with a direct-repair partner of theirs. Truth is, the warranty isn’t always necessary and shouldn’t factor into your decision on where to go. Most reputable manufacturers will guarantee the parts they make no matter who puts them in.

2.  Choice of Auto Body Shops

Many insurance agencies steer their clients to their preferred shops as a matter of course, leading you to believe that you must use one of those shops or the work won’t be covered. This happens to be illegal and untrue. You as the customer can decide where you want to take your own vehicle and no one can tell you otherwise. Just do your research, look into a few auto body shops around, and settle on the one you trust.

3.  Quicker Work

You may be under the impression that claims adjusters will attend to your vehicle faster, or the repair shop will complete the work on your vehicle faster, if you take your business to a DRP shop. However, insurance adjusters give equal time to all customers and won’t get to your car any quicker if you’re using a preferred shop. If there are any delays in the process, they are likely due to the actions of the actual insurance company.

We know auto accidents are stressful and confusing. Adding to that stress by forcing yourself to choose a collision repair center you don’t trust just because it’s on your insurance company’s list isn’t helping.

In the end, you should select an auto body repair shop that you know and trust, and that you feel totally comfortable with. After all, it’s your car and you need to do what’s right for it and you.

Contact Top Tier Auto Body

The technicians at Top Tier Auto Body work with insurance companies to get your car back to its pre-loss condition, backed by quick turnaround times that we stand by no matter who your insurer is. Call us today at 469-468-9991 or complete our online form.



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